Šiandien negaminau ir negaminsiu nieko rimto. Grįžau kelioms valandoms iš darbo ir tuoj lėksiu atgal į priėmimą Sri Lankos nelpriklausomybės dienos proga. Vis dėl to reikia užkąsti prieš ilgą vakarą. Kažkuriam bloge prieš kelias dienas mačiau citrininius blynus su aguonomis ir taip užsimaniau jų šiandien. Bėda tik, kad neatsimenu pas ką mačiau tą receptą, todėl teko pačiai sudėti tai kas atrode tinkama tokiems blynams ir valgyti rezultatą. Nesiskundžiu, nors vis dėl to citrinos skonio man ir trūko.

Porcijos: apie 12 vidutinio dydzio blynelių
1 stiklinė miltų
1 stiklinė pieno
1 a.š. kepimo miltelių
1 kiaušinis
4 v.š. cukraus
4 v.š. aguonų
2 v.š. aliejaus arba tirpinto sviesto
0,5 citrinos sultys ir takuota žievelė
Žiupsnelis druskos
Gaminimo procesas:
Sumaišyti dubenyje miltus, kepimo miltelius, cukrų, druską, aguonas. Kitame dubenyje sumaišyti kartu pieną, kiaušinį, aliejų, citrinos sultis ir tarkuotą žievelę. Pieno mišinį supilti į miltų mišinį, išmaišyti kol tešla taps vientisa.
Įkaitinti ant vidutinės ugnies keptuvę, įpilti kelis šaukštus tešlos. Kai susidaro burbuliukai galima apversti blyną ir palaukti kol antra pusė taps gelsvai rudos spalvos.
Su kuo valgyti kiekvieno skonio ir fantazijos reikalas, aš paprastai turiu ir blynus valgau su natūraliu jogurtu ir kokiu nors nepersaldžiu džemu.

Today I am not planning to cook anything serious. I for a few hours from work and soon will be running back to Sri Lanka’s Independence Day celebration. Anyway, I need snack before a long night. Few days ago in somebody’s blog I saw pancakes with lemon and poppy seeds and today I felt like having them. The problem is that I couldn’t remember where did I see that recipe. So I made pancakes with lemon and poppy seeds how I felt they should be and was trying the result. I can’t complain, pancakes weren't special, but tasted nice, though to me it wasn’t enough of lemon taste.
Servings: about 12 medium sized pancakes
1 cup flour
1 cup milk
1 tsp baking powder
1 egg
4 tbsp sugar
4 tbsp poppy seeds
2 tbsp oil or melted butter
0.5 lemon juice and zest
Pinch of salt
Mix flour, baking powder, sugar, salt and poppy seeds in a bowl. In another bowl mix together milk, egg, oil, lemon juice and lemon zest. Pour milk mixture into flour mixture, stir until the dough is combined.
Preheat skillet over medium heat, add a few tablespoons of dough. When the bubbles appear you can flip pancake and wait until the other side becomes golden brown color.
With what to eat depends on your taste and fantasy. I usually have pancakes with natural yoghurt and some not too sweet jam.
Porcijos: apie 12 vidutinio dydzio blynelių
1 stiklinė miltų
1 stiklinė pieno
1 a.š. kepimo miltelių
1 kiaušinis
4 v.š. cukraus
4 v.š. aguonų
2 v.š. aliejaus arba tirpinto sviesto
0,5 citrinos sultys ir takuota žievelė
Žiupsnelis druskos
Gaminimo procesas:
Sumaišyti dubenyje miltus, kepimo miltelius, cukrų, druską, aguonas. Kitame dubenyje sumaišyti kartu pieną, kiaušinį, aliejų, citrinos sultis ir tarkuotą žievelę. Pieno mišinį supilti į miltų mišinį, išmaišyti kol tešla taps vientisa.
Įkaitinti ant vidutinės ugnies keptuvę, įpilti kelis šaukštus tešlos. Kai susidaro burbuliukai galima apversti blyną ir palaukti kol antra pusė taps gelsvai rudos spalvos.
Su kuo valgyti kiekvieno skonio ir fantazijos reikalas, aš paprastai turiu ir blynus valgau su natūraliu jogurtu ir kokiu nors nepersaldžiu džemu.

Today I am not planning to cook anything serious. I for a few hours from work and soon will be running back to Sri Lanka’s Independence Day celebration. Anyway, I need snack before a long night. Few days ago in somebody’s blog I saw pancakes with lemon and poppy seeds and today I felt like having them. The problem is that I couldn’t remember where did I see that recipe. So I made pancakes with lemon and poppy seeds how I felt they should be and was trying the result. I can’t complain, pancakes weren't special, but tasted nice, though to me it wasn’t enough of lemon taste.
Servings: about 12 medium sized pancakes
1 cup flour
1 cup milk
1 tsp baking powder
1 egg
4 tbsp sugar
4 tbsp poppy seeds
2 tbsp oil or melted butter
0.5 lemon juice and zest
Pinch of salt
Mix flour, baking powder, sugar, salt and poppy seeds in a bowl. In another bowl mix together milk, egg, oil, lemon juice and lemon zest. Pour milk mixture into flour mixture, stir until the dough is combined.
Preheat skillet over medium heat, add a few tablespoons of dough. When the bubbles appear you can flip pancake and wait until the other side becomes golden brown color.
With what to eat depends on your taste and fantasy. I usually have pancakes with natural yoghurt and some not too sweet jam.
Your pancakes look perfect! It makes me want to have a go too. Enjoy the celebrations!!
AtsakytiPanaikintiLove lemon poppy seed. This look wonderful.
AtsakytiPanaikintiwe don't go much for pancakes here but i like this one and would like to try it. flagging it.
AtsakytiPanaikintii was already given the stylish blogger award weeks back by toni. so i'm not doing another list. do chk out my update on this link. and thanks a ton!
I have enjoyed lemon poppyseed muffins, but never pancakes...what a great idea! I love the flavor combination, these sound amazing!
AtsakytiPanaikintiO, tokių blynų dar neragavau. Puiki mintis, būtinai išbandysiu ;)
AtsakytiPanaikintiThat sounds interesting.. must give it a try .. and beautiful photo !
AtsakytiPanaikintiultimate breakfast recipe at all times...it is easy to make and delicious!!! lovely pic!!!!
AtsakytiPanaikintiVery interesting, I love your pancakes, always welcome in my house :)) Thanks for sharing this recipe!
AtsakytiPanaikintiThese really are quite beautiful and I would imagine given the ingredients that they are also delicious. I hope you have a wonderful weekend. Blessings...Mary
AtsakytiPanaikintiDon't you just love poppy seeds! Wonderful job, thank you for sharing Medeja!
AtsakytiPanaikintipoppy seed is a new idea in pancakes for me.....yummy and perfect!!
AtsakytiPanaikintiNever tried pancakes with lemon juice or zest. Bet it gives a very nice flavor.
AtsakytiPanaikintiMedeja- you have a Bloggie Award awaiting you at http://t.co/xTVccVw
foodblogandthedog, thanks :) celebrations partly enjoyed but still one more left :D
AtsakytiPanaikintiFood Frenzy, thanks, they taste lovely too :)
AtsakytiPanaikintikitchenmorph, thanks for the award :)
AtsakytiPanaikintiwe dont have pancakes very often too, but sometimes I just feel I want to have pancakes :))
Amy, I saw that idea somewhere and liked it, but couldnt remember where is that recipe :)) so had to try to make them myself
AtsakytiPanaikintiViktorija, ačiū, nors mintis ne mano, bet receptas ben jau mano :D
AtsakytiPanaikintiKankana, thanks :) I hope you will like it :)
AtsakytiPanaikintiHGourmet Foodie, thanks :) I usually dont have mood to make pancakes for breakfast :D but for lunch I like pancakes :)
AtsakytiPanaikintiSandra, always welcome :) these pancakes tasted quite good and after few hours :D
AtsakytiPanaikintiMary, thank you :) they were delicious, I enjoyed them alone without any jam.
AtsakytiPanaikintiMateja, I love everything with poppy seeds :D you always welcome :)
AtsakytiPanaikintiRoshan, poppy seeds in pancakes are nice, but I didnt thought of adding lemon too, together they tasted good :)
AtsakytiPanaikintizerrin, me too.. I have tried it with poppy seeds but without lemon. Lemon is a good addition :)
AtsakytiPanaikintiZen, thank you very much for the award :)
AtsakytiPanaikintiVery nice! Sounds wonderful!
AtsakytiPanaikintiDulce Dough, thanks :) it tastes good too :)
AtsakytiPanaikintiYum! I love the pancake flavor...of course I tend to love pancakes in general. ;)
AtsakytiPanaikintibriarrose, I love pancakes too, but usually I want some more interesting ones and when I have special mood for them :))))
AtsakytiPanaikintiYour pancakes looks so tempting..
AtsakytiPanaikintiAtrodo gundančiai!
grange, bent man patiko tas citrinos skonis blynuose :)tikiuos patiks ir tau