Tuna Salad/ Tuno Salotos

Pagal/ SOurce WendyWeekendGourment

Nežinau kas kaltas- naujas butas ar naujas darbas, o gal prasidėjusi žiema, kad niekaip neprisiruosiau rašyti. Be to prie dirbtinės šviesos nuotraukos tokios negražios gaunasi, kad nebesinori ir dėti jų. O gal šiaip reikėjo pertraukos man.
Taigi receptas tuno salotoms šį kartą, kurį buvau nusiužiūrėjusi gana seniai, bet vis neprisiruošdavau nusipirkti tuno, paskui vis pamiršdavau salierą.. Galiausiai pasidariau padorų pirkinių sąrašą tam tikslui ir savaitgalį išdandžiau.

Gaminimo laikas:
5- 10 min.


apie 300 gr. konservuoto tuno
150 gr. naturalaus/ graikiško jogurto
1 citrinos sultys ir tarkuota žievelė
0,3 stiklinės razinų
0,5 stiklinės smulkintų saliero stiebų
1 a.š. kario prieskonių
Druskos ir pipirų pagal skonį

Gaminimo procesas:

Visus produktus gerai sumaišyti kartu ir palikti šaldytuve geriausiai per naktį, kad atsiskleistų skonis.
Ir galiu pasakyti, kad tikrai neverta šių salotų valgyti iškart. Ragavau ką tik sumaišytas iš smalsumo, bet tikrai daug skaniau palaikytos per naktį šaldytuve.

Salotas galima valgyti kaip patinka- kaip užtepą ant sumuštinių, ant salotų lapų, su krekeriais.

I do not know what to blame- a new apartment or a new job or maybe begining of the winter that I couldn't make myself write. Besides in this not natural light pictures of food look so poor that I dont even want to post them.. Or maybe I just needed a break.
I wanted to try this tuna salad for a long time, but there was always something missing, I was forgetting to buy tuna, then I was forgetting celery. Finally I made decent shopping list and last weekend made tuna salad.

Cooking time: 5-10 minutes.


300 gr. canned tuna
150 gr. natural / Greek yogurt
Juice of one lemon
0.3 cup raisins
0.5 cup chopped celery
1 tsp curry powder
Salt and pepper to taste


Mix well all ingredients together well and leave overnight in the refrigerator, then all flavors mix and it tastes the best.
And I can tell that it really makes a difference, it's worth to leave salad instead of eating right away. I tried it just after making it and after leaving it overnight in the fridge.

Salad can be eaten alone or with crackers, as a spread for sandwich.


  1. I wondered where you had gone, welcome back! Glad you enjoyed your blogging break, good to have you back!! :D Tuna looks lovely!

  2. It's good to be back.. and good to be missed :)
    I hope you were doing well and are enjoying summer :)

  3. Oh, your tuna salad sounds incredible! Lighter with the Greek yogurt...and the curry must add a fabulous flavor! SO good to see you back!

  4. Hey, Lizzy! It's good to be back and with such delicious tuna salad :)

  5. That's one tuna salad I would eat. I can't stand that most tuna salads have mayo. The addition of raisins is perfect!

  6. I really liked that it was with yogurt, it was enough flavorful and tasted unusual and great :)

  7. Heh man čia į užtepą panašiau (: bet tikiu pavadinimas skonio nekeičia

  8. Welcome back! :-)
    I know... winter is so bad for taking pictures... it gets dark too early... sigh!

    Lovely salad, I love that you paired tuna with yogurt!

  9. I'm so glad to see you back! Your tuna salad looks awesome and I bet tastes so good too!

  10. Welcome back dear! Yummy salad and thanks for tip too...

  11. thank you for this tuna comeback!!

  12. Sometimes a little break brings the creativity flowing back. Lovely salad.

  13. My whole family loves tuna, I usually use canned tuna for a quick meal. But I've never tried tuna with yogurt - looks delicious!

  14. Indre, buvo parašyta, kad salotos, tai ir palikau taip. Teisybė, kad skonio tas nekeičia :)

  15. Manu, winter and that darkness really influences..in a bad way

    I liked this salad, cause it sounded and tasted much better with yogurt:)

  16. Hey, Tina ! :) I'm glad to be back and have you visiting me again :)

    This salad has really lovely taste. I made it for breakfast, but I think it would be good idea to have it for some party with crackers.

  17. T&T, good to see you, dear :)
    That tip was in recipe that I used, but I checked myself, just to be sure :)

  18. Torviewtoronto, yes, I really liked raisins and celery with tuna.

  19. My Home Diary in Turkey, it is really easy and really delicious :) I would suggest to try it

  20. Plateful, it is interesting and delicious combination :)

  21. So nice to see you back!!! Welcome! :) The salad looks super delicious!

  22. Hey, Kate!

    This salad is delicious! Totally worth trying :)

  23. absolutely yummy presentation. ..
    am ready to wobble the whole plate now..:P
    Tasty Appetite
    Event: Letz Relishh Ice Creams

  24. You could never go wrong with a tuna salad. Don't you just randomly crave it sometimes?

  25. Rick, you are right! Sometimes I'm really craving for tuna salad, but usually I dont have any tuna at home :D


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