Tuno kotletai/ Tuna cutlets

Pagal/ Source MyKitchenAntics

Tuno kotletų pirmą kartą paragavau kai dalyvavau vienam Sri Lankos atstovybės priėmime. Paskui dar kelis kartus, vis galvojau, kad reiktų pabandyti pasidaryti namie, bet kažkaip neprisiruošdavau. O kai prisiruošiau man jie taip patiko, kad tikriausiai darysiu dar ne kartą.
Vienas iš privalumų, kad juos galima patiekti tiek kaip užkandžius arba pasigaminti šiek tiek didesnius ir su bulvių koše, salotomis, padažu valgyti kaip pagrindinį patiekalą. Taip pat galima darytis sumuštinius su jais. Trumpai sakant labai skanus ir universalus patiekalas.

Vienetai: 12

Gaminimo laikas: apie 1 val.


400 gr. konservuoto vandenyje (arba aliejuje) tuno
2-3 virtos vidutinio dydžio bulvės
1 didelis svogūnas
2-3 zalieji čili
2 v.š. imbiero ir česnako pastos
1 a.š. maltos kalendros
1 a.š. garam masala prieskonių
1 v.š. citrinos sulčių
Druskos pagal skonį
Pipirų pagal skonį
Aliejaus kepimui


1 kiaušinis
0,5 stiklinės džuvėsėlių
Aliejaus kepimui

Gaminimo procesas:

Nupilti vandenį (arba aliejų) nuo tuno.

Keptuvėje įkaitinti aliejų, sudėti svogūnus ir zaliuosius čili, pakepti iki auksiniai geltonos spalvos, tada sudėti imbierą su česnaku. Viską pakepti dar kelias minutes.

Tada sudėti tuną, gerai išmaišyti,susmilinant tuną kuo smulkesniai gabaliukais. Pakepinti apie 10 min. and nedidelės ugnies, sudėti garam masalą, kalendrą ir druskos pagal skonį. Viską nuolat pamaišant pakepti dar apie 5 minutes, tada įdėti pipirų ir citrinos sultis. Taip apkeptas tunas neturėtų būti labai sausas. Nuėmus nuo ugnies masę atvėsinti.

Virtas bulves gerai sutrinti iki vientisos masės. Bulvių masę sudėti į atvėsusią tuno masę ir viską gerai kartu išminkyti. Iš sumaišytos masės formuoti norimo dydzio ir formos kotletus, apvolioti juos išplaktame kiaušinyje, tada dziuvėsėliuose ir apkepti iš abiejų pusių aliejuje kol graziai paruduos.

Tuna cutlets I tried for the first time when I was attending one of Sri Lanka's high commission receptions. Then I tried them few more times..but still I wasn't trying to make it at home myself. When at last I tried I liked it so much that most likely I will be making them again and again.
Good thing about them that you can have them as a snack or make them little bit bigger and have them as a main dish with mashed potatoes, salad or sauce. They are very good also for burgers. They are very delicious and universal.

Quantity: 12 cutlets

Cooking time: about one hr.


400 gr. canned tuna in spring water (or oil)
2-3 medium cooked potatoes
1 large onion
2-3 green chilies
2 tbsp ginger and garlic paste
1 tsp ground coriander
1 tsp garam masala spice
1 tbsp lemon juice
Salt to taste
Pepper to taste
Oil for frying

For frying:

1 egg
0.5 cup bread crumbs
Oil for frying


Drain tuna well.

Heat oil in a skillet, add chopped onion and green chilies, fry till golden brown color, then add ginger and garlic. Fry everything for a few minutes.

Then add tuna, mix well, breaking tuna into smaller pieces. Saute for about 10 minutes on a low heat, then add garam masala, coriander powder and salt to taste. Fry for about 5 minutes, then add pepper and lemon juice to taste. At this stage fried tuna shouldn't be very dry. Remove it from heat and let it cool.

Mash boiled potatoes well. Then add cooled fried tuna mixture to the mashed potatoes and mix everything very well. Now shape mixture into desired size balls or cutlets, first dip them into whisked egg, then roll them in bread crumbs. Fry cutlets on both sides till they are nicely brown.


  1. Reiks adaptuoti prieskonius vaikams ir išbandyti :)

  2. I love tuna cutlets...though I only make it once in a blue moon. Yours looks perfect!

  3. These look so good! I love tuna yet I never tried these cutlets! I am bookmarking this recipe!

  4. Asta, manau turėtų ir vaikam patikt, aišku su maiau čili ir aštrumo :)

  5. Tina, thanks :) I think I did a mistake that I didn't try making them earlier :)

  6. Manu, I found out about these cutlets by accident :) lucky accident I would say :) They are very delicious

  7. Great recipe for tuna. I call them tuna patties or tuna burgers but tuna cutlets sounds so much more appetizing.
    Will have to try your recipe soon.

  8. I've been looking for a tuna recipe for some time Tuna burgers are awesoommee. I have to try this.

  9. These would make a great Lenten dinner...I know my hubby would enjoy them, too. He's always asking for an icky tuna casserole, and your cutlets sound SO much better! YUM!

  10. Hi Medea! Your tuna burgers look delicious! I have never tried it but it's nice alternatives!

  11. Crispy fish cakes like these are one of my favorite foods. The ginger and garam masala sound great in yours!

  12. Joanne, I liked this recipe a lot :) I hope you will like it also

  13. Rick, these are definitely good, I really recommend this recipe :)

  14. Lizzy, it doesn't taste or smell much like tuna that is one more good thing about them ;)

  15. Hey, Nami :) I have tried some fish cutlets many years back, but these are so much better :)

  16. Tiffany, I like these cutlets, spicy but taste great :) and not many left for me.. :)


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