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Savaitė prasidėjo gana liūdnai, nors atrodė, kad per savaitgalį turėtų pagerėti, bet nepagerėjo. Liūdna, kai geriausia pasaulyje bosė mus palieka.. Ta proga galima ir pirmadienio vakarą išgerti taurę vyno, butelį alaus arba kokteilį.

40 ml. šviesaus romo
1 v.š. chereso
1 a.š. laimo sulčių
Į plaktuvą kokteiliams įdėti ledo, supilti romą, cheresą ir laimo sultis.
Viską suplakti, nukošti į taurę su ledu. Skanaus.

Week began sadly, although I was hoping that during weekend I will start feeling better. But it didn't- the best boss in the world is leaving.. So it is ok to have a glass of wine, a bottle of beer or a cocktail on Monday evening.
40 ml. light rum
1 tbsp sherry
1 tsp lime juice
Add to the shaker ice, rum, sherry and lime juice.
Shake everything,then strain into the glass with ice. Enjoy.
Savaitė prasidėjo gana liūdnai, nors atrodė, kad per savaitgalį turėtų pagerėti, bet nepagerėjo. Liūdna, kai geriausia pasaulyje bosė mus palieka.. Ta proga galima ir pirmadienio vakarą išgerti taurę vyno, butelį alaus arba kokteilį.

40 ml. šviesaus romo
1 v.š. chereso
1 a.š. laimo sulčių
Į plaktuvą kokteiliams įdėti ledo, supilti romą, cheresą ir laimo sultis.
Viską suplakti, nukošti į taurę su ledu. Skanaus.

Week began sadly, although I was hoping that during weekend I will start feeling better. But it didn't- the best boss in the world is leaving.. So it is ok to have a glass of wine, a bottle of beer or a cocktail on Monday evening.
40 ml. light rum
1 tbsp sherry
1 tsp lime juice
Add to the shaker ice, rum, sherry and lime juice.
Shake everything,then strain into the glass with ice. Enjoy.
What a mouthwatering drink! You're making thirsty. Enjoy your week ahead, dear.
Looks so refreshing!
AtsakytiPanaikintiThanks for sharing this refreshing drink recipe. We all can use one now and again.
Oh, I'm sorry your boss has left...I'm hoping that the future will be bright at your work place, my friend. Thanks for sharing this delicious sounding cocktail with us all...perfect for a hot summer's eve...or to nurse a bit of disappointment. xoxo
AtsakytiPanaikintiKristy, it was better than just rum :) Thank you, I hope you are having great week also.
AtsakytiPanaikintiT&T, it was nice because of that lime juice I guess
AtsakytiPanaikintiTina, sometimes it is good to have something like that :)
AtsakytiPanaikintiLizzy, thank you for understanding. It's really very sad, cause my boss is so great..But I wish her all the best so I hope she is going to a better place.
AtsakytiPanaikintiOh I am sorry to hear that your boss is leaving and that you are sad!!! Sending you a big virtual hug!!! The drink sounds great btw!
AtsakytiPanaikintiThank you for the hug, Manu :) It makes me feel better that I have such nice friends here :)
AtsakytiPanaikintiI've never heard of that it sounds delicious! Hope it cheered you up a bit anyway, rum & sherry is an interesting combination!! :D
AtsakytiPanaikintiNuo pirmadienio tokie kokteiliukai, tai kas toliau? :D
AtsakytiPanaikintiIf there is rum in it, I'm there.
AtsakytiPanaikintifoodblogandthedog, don't know what helped, but I'm better :) cheers ;)
AtsakytiPanaikintiMD, savaitgali matysim kuo uzbaigsim :)))
AtsakytiPanaikintiRick, good to know that you are there! :)
AtsakytiPanaikintiSorry you are losing your administrator. Maybe his/her replacement will be just as amiable.
AtsakytiPanaikintiLove the sound of that drink!
Looks like a soothing drink! :)
AtsakytiPanaikintiWishing that your new boss will be as good as the one leaving! Cheers!
Joanne, I can only hope..but this one is so great that hardly someone better would come:)
AtsakytiPanaikintiTina, it tasted fresh! I liked it :)
AtsakytiPanaikintiThank you, I hope new boss will be at least half as good as this one:)