Mane jau kurį laiką graužia sąžinė, kad neprisiruošiu nieko įdėti į blogą. Nors aišku tikrai nėra kada, darbų daug, net sakyčiau perdaug. O be to pastaruoju metu ir sėkmė apleido- darbe chaosas, is buto reikės kraustytis, mašiną apvogė.. Matyt juodas periodas užėjo, teks išlaukti geresnio. O maisto gaminimas bent man labai malonus ir atpalaiduojantis užsiėmimas.

Gaminimo laikas: 5 minutės
1 stiklinė natūralaus jogurto
1 a.š. malto kumino
1-2 žalieji čili pipirai
Druskos pagal skonį
Ryšelis mėtų ( sunku pasakyti kiek tiksliai, priklausomai ir nuo to kokio mėtų skonio intensyvumo norisi)
Gaminimo procesas:
Mėtų lapus su žaliaisias čili susmulkinti į pastą. Kad būtų lengviau galima įmaišyti kelis šaukštus jogurto.
Į jogurtą sudėti mėtų pastą (geriau tą daryti dalimis, kad mėtų skonis nebūtų per stiprus), maltą kuminą, druskos pagal skonį ie viską gerai kartu sumaišyti.
Padažas gali būti valgomas su bet kuo, nors paprastai valgomas su kariais.

I started feeling bad that I couldn't find time to write my blog. Though I was really at work and also working after work. Besides recently we are having a really bad luck - it's chaos at work, we were asked to move out of the apartment, and somebody broke into our car and damaged it.. I guess we are just having bad period of time and we can only wait for the better one to come. And cooking at least for me is such nice and relaxing activity.
Cooking time: 5 minutes
1 cup natural yoghurt
1 tsp cumin powder
1-2 green chilies
Salt to taste
Bunch of mint (difficult to say exactly how much, depends on how much intense do you like mint flavor)
Grind mint leaves and green chillies into a smooth paste. You can add few spoons of yogurt to make it easier.
Add mint paste to the yogurt (better to put only part at first, if you don't want too strong mint flavor), cumin powder, salt to taste. Blend all the ingredients well together. This sauce you can have with anything you like, usually it's eaten with curries.
A very fresh and delicious sauce.
AtsakytiPanaikintiThis looks delicious but more importantly hope your bad luck changes. That must have been awful with the car!
AtsakytiPanaikintiAngie, it's really fresh and nice. I like mint flavor :)
AtsakytiPanaikintiYeah, Rick, it's not much fun. And it's really annoying when all bad things happen at once.
AtsakytiPanaikintiAnything that has cumin in it is good by me!
AtsakytiPanaikintiBeloved Green, you can barely taste cumin, cause mint taste is pretty strong :)
AtsakytiPanaikintiI've had this sauce before and it is really good. Super recipe pick.
AtsakytiPanaikintiI love all raita's! This mint one sounds delicious!!! So refreshing... perfect with a spicy curry!
AtsakytiPanaikintiI'm so sorry to know about what happened. But I'm glad that you're ok and back to blogging! I hope some good things will follow! :)
AtsakytiPanaikintiTasty looking sauce, btw.
This is Raita! I've heard of it before but didn't know how to make it. It looks so easy to make and I must try this next time when we eat curry. Excited to try!