Apelsininiai ir Šokoladiniai Marcipaniniai Kamuoliukai/ Orange and Chocolate Marzipan Balls

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Šie marcipaniniai saldainiai mane suviliojo savo išvaizda. Ir kadangi aš namie migdolų turiu nuolat nusprendžiau pasigaminti. Jei norite pasižiūrėti į detalesnį receptą su eigos nuotraukomis užsukite pas Manu.

Apelsininiai Marcipaniniai kamuoliukai

Vienetai: 24 kamuoliukai

1 kamuoliuko energetinė vertė: 83 kcal, riebalų 4,1 gr., cukraus 9 gr.


200 gr. migdolų miltų (maltų migdolų)
200 gr. cukraus +
0,5 apelsino
1 v.š. romo

Gaminimo procesas:

Migdolų miltus, cukrų, romą ir apelsiną sumaišyti kartu ir sudėti į virtuvinį kombainą. Viską smulkinti iki vientisos masės.

Gautą masę perkelti ant cukrumi pabarstyto paviršiaus ir minkyti, jei reikia pridedant cukraus kol gaunasi neperlipni masė iš kurios galima formuoti kamuoliukus. Tarp delnų suformuoti kamuoliukus, apvolioti cukruje ir padėti ant popierinio rankšluoščio, kad sustingtų (mažiausiai 3 val.), tada galima perkelti į formeles ir prieš patiekiant palaikyti sandariai uždaromame inde iki 3 dienų.

Šokoladiniai Marcipaniai kamuoliukai

24 kamuoliukai

1 kamuoliuko energetinė vertė:
83 kcal, riebalų 4,2 gr., cukraus 8,7 gr.


200 gr. migdolų miltų (maltų migdolų)
200 gr. cukraus +
3 v.š. kakavos miltelių
2 v.š. vandens
1 v.š. romo

Gaminimo procesas:

Migdolų miltus, cukrų ir kakavos miltelius sudėti į virtuvinį kombainą ir viską maišyti kol susimaišys.

Sudėti romą ir išmaišyti. Po truputį pilti vandenį, maišant šaukštu kol gausis masė iš kurios galima formuoti kamuoliukus. Gautą masę perkelti ant cukrumi pabarstyto paviršiaus ir minkyti, jei reikia pridedant dar cukraus. Tarp delnų suformuoti kamuoliukus, apvolioti cukruje ir padėti ant popierinio rankšluoščio, kad sustingtų (mažiausiai 3 val.), tada galima perkelti į formeles ir prieš patiekiant palaikyti sandariai uždaromame inde iki 3 dienų.

These Marzipan balls really seduced me, since I saw then. And because I always have got almonds at home I decided to make them. If you want to see a more detailed recipe description and with the pictures please visit Manu.

Orange Marzipan Balls

Makes: 24 balls

Nutritional value of 1 Ball: 83 calories, 4,1 gr. fat, 9 gr. sugars


200 gr. almond meal (ground almonds)
200 gr. sugar +
0.5 orange
1 tablespoon rum


Place together almond meal, sugar, rum and orange mix and put in blender. Process until combined.

Transfer the mixture on sugar covered surface and knead, adding sugar if necessary until the mixture becomes non sticky and you can form the balls. Roll the balls between your palms, roll them in sugar and put on paper towels (at least for 3 hrs.). Then you can place them into the paper cups, before serving keep in airtight container for up to 3 days.

Chocolate Marzipan Balls

Nutritional value of 1 Ball:
83 calories, 4,2 gr. fat, 8,7 gr. sugars


200 gr. almond meal (ground almonds)
200 gr. sugar +
3 tablespoons cocoa powder
2 tablespoons water
1 tablespoon rum


Place in a blender almond meal, sugar and cocoa powder and process until combined.

Add the rum and mix well. Gradually add the water, stirring with a spoon until a mixture reaches a consistency smooth enough to form a ball. Transfer the mixture on sugar covered surface and knead, adding sugar if necessary until the mixture becomes non sticky and you can form the balls. Roll the balls between your palms, roll them in sugar and put on paper towels (at least for 3 hrs). Then you can place them into the paper cups, before serving keep in airtight container for up to 3 days.


  1. These are a nice alternative from all the other truffle recipes that are out there. Also, they do make for a striking presentation. I have never worked with marzipan, but this is inspiring!

  2. Your marzipan balls are PERFECT...and I know they must taste as fabulous as they look!!!

    1. I would be afraid to call them perfect, but that they really look great and taste lovely I agree :)

  3. Looks so colorful and nice balls...Happy Eater!

  4. You have given me a gluten free treat recipe. Thanks, it looks simple and perfect to me.

  5. These marzipan balls looks so good, what a great recipe. I very much like it you post in 2 languages and share you blog with more people, just like me. I know, from my own blog, it's a bit more of work, but I think it is really worth doing it.

    1. They were not that difficult to make and look really nice :)
      Thanks, I live with those 2 languages every day, so I think it's good to have possibility to share blog with more people :)

  6. I love marzipan! These balls are so cute! My husband came back from Germany and bought some marzipan. I never thought of making it on my own. I also didn't know it's very simple to make!

    1. I was surprised too :) But I think most of such things is possible to make at home :)

  7. These are so cute! I wish I could grab one off the screen.

  8. Marcipan and orange goes so well together. Marcipan eggs can be seen everythere around Easter in Germany and there is one certain variety with orange that I always anticipate a lot!


    1. I had no idea! :) But now I know myself that it's a great combination :)

  9. These are so pretty! Beautiful photos. Will post on StumbleUpon.

  10. These balls are heavenly - you make Jaffa look very very classy my friend :D

    Choc Chip Uru


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