Porcijos: 4
1 Porcijos energetinė vertė: 482 kcal, 19,5 gr. riebalų, 5,1 gr. cukraus
1 svogūnas (smulkiai pjaustytas)
2-3 skiltelės česnako (smulkinto)
1 stiklinė ryžių
1 l. sultinio
200 gr. pievagrybių (pjaustytų griežinėliais)
200 gr. kumpio (pjaustyto nedideliais gabaliukais)
1 stiklinė žirnelių
Aliejaus kepimui
Druskos ir pipirų pagal skonį
0.25 stiklinės smulkiai tarkuoto parmezano
Gaminimo procesas:
Sultinį užvirti ir ant nedidelės ugnies kaitinti kol jis bus naudojamas.
Puode įkaitinti aliejų, apkepti svogūną ir česnaką. Sudėti ryžius ir nuolat maišant juos pakepinti kol taps skaidrūs.
Užpilti vieną stiklinę sultinio. Kartais pamaišant kol sultinys susigers ir taip po stiklinę pilti sultinį, kol liks 1 stiklinė sultinio ir ryžiai bus beveik išvirę.
Paprastai kepti kumpį pradedu vos tik užpilu ryžius pirmą kartą sultiniu. Įkaitinti keptuvėje aliejų, sudėti kumpio gabaliukus, pakepti juos ant nedidelės ugnies apie 5 minutes. Tada sudėti pjaustytus grybus ir pakepti apie 5-10 minučių.
Į beveik išvirusius ryžius sudėti keptą kumpį su grybais, sudėti žirnelius, viską gerai išmaišyti ir supilti likusį sultinį. Kai visas sultinys susigers, įdėti druskos ir pipirų pagal skonį, sudėti apie pusę tarkuoto parmezano ir viską gerai permaišyti. Patiekti apibarsčius likusiu parmezanu.
Today I discovered one more thing that I do not like. I don't like when I call somebody and I am told - I'll call you later .. You have better chances to win a lottery than to get that call.. Isn't it easier just to ask me to call back again in X minutes?
Servings: 4
Nutritional value of 1 serving: 482 calories, 19,5 gr. fat, 5,1 gr. sugars
1 onion (finely chopped)
2-3 cloves garlic (crushed)
1 cup rice
1 liter stock
200 gr. button mushrooms (slices)
200 gr. ham (cut in small pieces)
1 cup peas
Oil for frying
Salt and pepper to taste
0,25 cup finely grated Parmesan
Bring stock to the boil and d simmer over a low heat until it is used.
Heat oil in a pan, fry the onion and garlic for few minutes. Add the rice and fry stirring constantly until it becomes transparent.
Pour one cup of stock. Stir occasionally until the stock is absorbed, then add another glass of stock. Cook rice adding stock until 1 cup remains and the rice is almost cooked.
Usually I start frying ham as soon as I start cooking the rice. Heat the oil pan, add ham pieces, fry them on low heat for about 5 minutes. Then add the mushrooms, mix and fry for about 5-10 minutes.
When the rice is almost cooked add the fried ham with mushrooms, add peas, stir everything well and pour the remaining sock. When all the stock is absorbed, add salt and pepper to taste, add about half of the grated Parmesan and mix everything well. Serve sprinkled with the remaining parmesan.
Lovely risotto!!! I love mushrooms! :-))))
AtsakytiPanaikintiBTW, there is something waiting for you here: http://www.manusmenu.com/raspberry-glazed-chicken-wings
Have a great evening!
This risotto is now one of our favourites :)
PanaikintiAnd thanks so much for the awards! I am really honored :)
atrodo labai labai skaniai...noriu:D
AtsakytiPanaikintine tik atrodo, bet ir tikrai skanu :)
PanaikintiHi medeja ur risoto looks mouthwatering i like that little green dots ....
AtsakytiPanaikintiI am sure that it would taste great and just with peas :)
AtsakytiPanaikintiYour risotto looks so good with the mushroom and peas, so comforting.
I really can call this risotto comfor food :)
PanaikintiThis risotto is so nicely full of flavour! YUM!
AtsakytiPanaikintiIt really is very YUM :)
PanaikintiDelicious looking risotto~! Feel guilty - I say "I'll call/email you later" and it takes a long time for me to respond back. >_< I used to be good at responding but life gets busier and busier...
AtsakytiPanaikintiI think it is better to respond later than never, I don't like people that do not call back regarding important and urgent things after they have promised..
PanaikintiWhat a perfectly cooked risotto :D
Choc Chip Uru
Thanks CCU :) this risotto at the moment is my favourite
PanaikintiDelicious & flavorful risotto, looks great. I'm now following your blog :)
AtsakytiPanaikintiThanks :) I hope you will find things that you would like here :)
PanaikintiLove your flavor packed risotto!
AtsakytiPanaikintiI hate waiting all day for someone to call, and they never do...that's truly annoying!
Oh, I liked that risotto also :)
PanaikintiHaha, this is also something I hate! Be it looking for jobs or getting a hold of customer service, it's really a pain. But this risotto, it's definitely looks worth the effort ;)
AtsakytiPanaikintiRisotto is always a great comfort food! Flavorful and filling!
PanaikintiI understand how busy things can get, but the only explanation I have why people forget to call you back is -they don't think your call was important.
i know what you mean about calling back. people need to live up to their promise and call back but i understand that sometimes, life gets in the way and it gets difficult to do so :S
AtsakytiPanaikintikudos to you for making a perfect risotto! mine goes "mushy" so i have stopped making it and sadly, given up...lol
I think for risotto you just have to practice :)) I can't believe it, you make such gorgeous cakes, risotto is so easy comparing :D