Saldūs Sausainiai su Kumino Sėklomis/ Sweet Cumin (Jeera) Cookies

Pagal/ Source SimplySweetNSavory

Pirmą kartą šiuos sausainius pamačiau atsitiktinai parduotuvėje. Ieškojau ko nors saldaus, bet kai pamačiau sausainius su kuminu prie saldumynų iš pradžių nepatikėjau. Man kažkaip kmynai ar kuminas atrodo tinkami sūriuose sausainiuose, bet ne saldžiuose. Juos nusipirkau iš smalsumo, ir man jie taip patiko, kad pabandžiaus susirasti jų receptą ir išsikepti namie. Drąsiai galiu sakyti, kad saldūs sausainiai su kuminu yra dabar vieni iš mano mėgstamiausių.

Vienetai: apie 40 sausainių

1 Sausainio energetinė vertė: 55 kcal, 2,9 gr. riebalų, 1,5 gr. cukraus


0,5 stiklinės aliejaus (naudojau tirpintą sviestą)
0,25 stiklinės cukraus pudros (aš dėjau 0,5)
1 kiaušinis
2 stiklinės miltų
1 a.š. druskos
1-2 v.š. kumino sėklų
1 a.š. kepimo miltelių

Gaminimo procesas:

Orkaitę įkaitinti iki 180C.

Išplakti kartu aliejų su cukrumi. Įmušti kiaušinį ir viską kartu gerai išplakti.

Sudėti miltus, druską, kumino sėklas, kepimo miltelius. Sumaišyti viską gerai ir suformuoti vientisą tešlą.

Iškočioti tešlą ant miltuoto paviršiaus (maždaug 0,3-0,5 cm). Spauskite arba išjaustykite pageidaujamas formeles, išdėliokite ant kepimo popieriumu išklotos skardos ir kepti apie 10-15 minučių kol sausainiai taps auksinės spalvos.

Perkelti atvėsti ant grotelių.

For the first time I saw these cookies accidentally in indian grocery store. I was looking for something sweet and I was quite surprised to find cookies with cumin in that section. I somehow think that cumin cookies should be salty not sweet. I bought them, because I was very curious and I liked them, so I tried to find the recipe and bake cumin cookies at home. I can say that sweet cumin cookies are now one of my favorites.

Makes: about 40 cookies

Nutritional Value of 1 Cookie:
55 calories, 2,9 gr. fat, 1,5 gr. sugars


0.5 cups oil (I used melted butter)
0.25 cup icing sugar (I used 0.5)
1 egg
2 cups flour
1 tsp salt
1-2 tbsp cumin seeds
1 tsp baking powder


Preheat the oven to 180C.

Beat together oil and sugar. Beat in the egg and again beat everything well.

Add the flour, salt, cumin seeds, baking powder. Mix everything well and form a smooth dough.

Roll dough on floured surface (about 0.3 to 0.5 cm thick). Cut the cookies, place them on a baking tray lined with baking paper and bake for 10-15 minutes or until the cookies become golden.

Take out and leave on a wire rack to cool.


  1. I haven't had those cookies since very long time. I used to get them when in school. Thanks for bringing back a good memory, the cookie look yummy! :)

    1. Nice :) I just discovered these cookies and I like them a lot :)

  2. These sound lovely! I love cumin but haven't had it in something sweet before.

  3. The cumin seeds are a nice touch, Medeja! I'd love these with my tea :)

  4. What an interesting combination of flavors. I am agree, the tea would be perfect! Very nice, thank you-)

    1. I was surprised, but these cookies really taste great! :) Sorry, no more left, you will have to bake yourself :D

  5. This is interesting! I never know cumin can be used for sweets.

  6. So far never tried cumin in baking. Yours look superb!

  7. these look so good Indian's love their cookies, I think the British got them into them he heh

  8. Baking with!! it's really nice and flavorful cookies and its sweet. nice twist medeja:)...

  9. I adore jeera, this looks so delicious :D

    Choc Chip Uru

  10. Lovely picture! These are my mother's favorite cookie. Thanks for trying it out, glad that you liked it :)

    1. These are now my favourite cookies too! Thanks for the recipe :)

  11. I would have never thought of this combination, I am very intrigued!

  12. i would have never thought of putting them together... but yes i would love to have them with tea please... thanks for the blog love. i certainly appreciate it.


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