Bananų ir kavos kokteilis/ Banana and coffee smoothie

Pagal/ Source KitchenHealsSoul

Ši savaitė buvo kaip tyčia.. tokia užimta, kad neturėjau laiko niekam kas patinka.. O kai atėjo savaitgalis nebeturiu jėgų. Šiandien nebesinori net kepti ką nors skanaus, o tai jau yra negerai..Na tikiuosi, kad per savaitgalį pavyks pailsėti ir kitą savaitę jėgų užteks viskam.

Porcijos: 2

1 porcijos energetinė vertė: 203 kcal, 1,1gr. riebalų, 35,1 gr.cukraus


1 nedidelis gabaliukais pjaustytas šaldytas bananas
0,5 stiklinės lieso natūralaus jogurto
1 stiklinė lieso pieno
2 v.š. medaus (pagal skonį daugiau arba mažiau)
Žiupsnelis malto muskato riešuto
1 a.š. tirpios kavos granulių (aš kitą kartą dėsiu 1 v.š.)
Žiupsnelis cinamono

Gaminimo procesas:

Visus produktus sudėti į blenderį ir gerai išplakti.

This week has been very intense .. so busy that I did not have time to do what I like .. And when weekend came I already don‘t have strength. Today I don‘t even feel like baking and this is not good.. Well, I hope that I will rest enough this weekend and next week I will have enough energy for everything.

Servings: 2

Nutritional value of 1 serving: 203 calories, 1,1gr. fat, 35,1 gr.sugars


1 small sliced frozen banana
0.5 cup of low-fat natural yogurt
1 cup skim milk
2 tbsp honey (more or less to taste)
Pinch of ground nutmeg
1 tsp instant coffee granules (next time I will use 1 tbsp)
Pinch of cinnamon


Add all the products to the blender and process until smooth.


  1. Wow, coffee and banana-that's a unique combination. I don't drink coffee or I'd like to try this!

  2. great combination one glass please

  3. I hope you feel better. That shake looks delicious, a nice flavor combo!

  4. The shake looks delightful.
    Wish you a relaxing weekend!

  5. First of all now I'm sure we shop from the same store, your glass looks like the one I used in my Iced coffee post ... LOL! Although I'm crazy about coffee but never used it in banana smoothie before, I'll try your recipe, it looks yum!

  6. Hope your weekend was restful! This lovely smoothie would be a delicious way to start the day!

  7. What a delicious and healthy smoothie my friend :D

    Choc Chip Uru

  8. This sounds great. My OH would love this!

  9. I hope that you had a restful weekend, and that this delicious banana coffee smoothie gave you stregth.

  10. Dear Medea, Sounds refreshing and delicious. Blessings dear. Catherine xo

  11. I hope that your week is running better this time. This smoothie sounds refreshing. Even in a cold autumn day like this. yum!

  12. Wonderful combination, looks yummy!


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