Marinuoti Saliero Stiebai/ Pickled Celery

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Šiandien viena iš tų dienų kai nesinori rašyti jokių įžangų. Jau savaitė kaip lyja, o šiandien ypač niūru ir pilka nuo pat ryto. Tokią dieną norisi įsirausti į šiltą antklodę, pasiimti puodelį arbatos ir sugraužti kelis sausainius.. Bet deja pasidalinsiu ne sausainių receptu, o marinuotais saliero stiebais, kurių skanavau praėjusį savaitgalį.


0.25 stiklinės baltojo acto
0.25 stiklinės vandens
1 a.š. smulkios druskos
1.5 a.š. cukraus
2 saliero stiebai (pjaustyti plonais griežinėliais)

Gaminimo procesas:

Visus produktus sumaišyti stiklainyje ir palikti šaldytuve mažiausiai valandai.
Kuo ilgiau laikysite salierą marinate tuo jis bus skanesnis.

Aš tiesą sakant 2 marinuotus stiebus suvalgiau iš karto, todėl rekomenduočiau iškart daryti dvigubą porciją.

Today, one of those days when I do not want to write much. It was raining every day for a whole week and today it is grey and rainy since morning. I just want to wrap myself in a warm blanket, take a cup of tea and a have it with few cookies .. But unfortunately today I won’t share cookie recipe but pickled celery recipe that I tried last weekend.


0,25 cup white vinegar
0,25 cup water
1 tsp fine salt
1.5 tsp sugar
2 celery stalks (cut in thin slices)


Mix all products in a jar and leave in the refrigerator for at least an hour.
The longer you marinade the celery the better it will taste.

I would recommend to double this recipe, it is really delicious, at least for me it was not enough.


  1. Ir man norėtųsi paragauti, įsivaizduoju, kad tikrai skanu :)

  2. Would be great with Indian curries :D

    Choc Chip Uru

  3. interesting never heard of celery pickled hope the weather improves for you

    1. I think that this was the first time I saw the pickled celery. Was really worth trying.
      Unfortunately, the weather still hasn't improved.. :)

  4. This is new to me, too, but I'd happily eat it all up :)

  5. my mom makes homemade pickles all the time...i will have to tell her about your pickled celery. She will be excited by them!
    -abeer @

  6. This is new to me too. I usually eat pickled cabbage and carrot but celery. Sounds refreshing to me.

    1. It tastes really nice and is crunchy! Very addictive, I have to say:)

  7. I wish you will bake again really soon-) Rain stops on our side, for now-)) I hope you have the best day today! Just because-))

    1. Thanks, Yelena! :) It keeps raining, but I think I will do some baking this weekend :)


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