Visi žino, kad obuolius valgyti sveika. Bet juos galima ne tik valgyti, bet ir gerti.
Porcijos: 2
1 obuolys, nuluptas ir pjaustytas nedideliais gabaliukais
1 šaldytas bananas, pjaustytas nedideliais gabaliukais
0,5 stiklinės pieno
0,5 stiklinės natūralaus jogurto
1 v.š. medaus
0,25 a.š. cinamono
Gaminimo procesas:
Visus produktus suplakti kartu ir iškart skanauti.
Everyone knows that eating apples is healthy. And the best part is that you can drink them, not just eat them.
Servings: 2
1 apple, peeled and chopped
1 frozen banana, sliced
0,5 cup milk
0,5 cup plain yogurt
1 tbsp honey
0.25 tsp cinnamon
Blend all the ingredients together and enjoy immediately.
Porcijos: 2
1 obuolys, nuluptas ir pjaustytas nedideliais gabaliukais
1 šaldytas bananas, pjaustytas nedideliais gabaliukais
0,5 stiklinės pieno
0,5 stiklinės natūralaus jogurto
1 v.š. medaus
0,25 a.š. cinamono
Gaminimo procesas:
Visus produktus suplakti kartu ir iškart skanauti.
Everyone knows that eating apples is healthy. And the best part is that you can drink them, not just eat them.
Servings: 2
1 apple, peeled and chopped
1 frozen banana, sliced
0,5 cup milk
0,5 cup plain yogurt
1 tbsp honey
0.25 tsp cinnamon
Blend all the ingredients together and enjoy immediately.
I have never though of frozing a banana, it may be good in such a coctail!
AtsakytiPanaikintiIt really is great for smoothies, you don't even need ice cubes then.
PanaikintiPerfect for summer; I always have frozen bananas!
AtsakytiPanaikintiIt really is refreshing :)
PanaikintiI really need of cup of this healthy smoothie for our hot weather.
AtsakytiPanaikintiWho wouldn't :)
PanaikintiHi Medeja , you sure know how to get a girls' taste buds flowing , yummy . Thanks for sharing :)
AtsakytiPanaikintiLove the flavour of this delicious smoothie!
AtsakytiPanaikintiYum! Great way to get in some fruit
AtsakytiPanaikintidelicious smoothie...looks so refreshing..first time here..happy to follow you..
AtsakytiPanaikintiThanks Gloria!
PanaikintiOOhh me gusta mucho està irresistible,abrazos.
AtsakytiPanaikintiIt is really delicious!
PanaikintiLooks simple, delicious and a great way to get extra calcium/protein!
AtsakytiPanaikintiIt really is :)
PanaikintiSo healthy! I bet kids would love this combo, too!
AtsakytiPanaikintiI am sure it would be a good choice making it for the kids :)