Papajų, Bananų ir Persikų Kokteilis/ Papaya, Banana and Peach Smoothie

Saulėtas kokteilis saulėtai dienai, kuri vis dėl to panašu, kad baigsis lietumi.
O praėjusią naktį gerai išsimiegoti sutrukdė gaisro pavojus. Apie 2 val naktis įsijungė sirenos ir teko šokti iš miegų ir bėgti su naktiniais laukan (lengva pasakyt, kai bėgti reikia laiptais net iš 19 aukšto..), gerai, kad vis dėl to gairso nebuvo ir netrukus galėjome grįžti namo..

Porcijos: 2


0,25 didelės papajos
1 šaldytas gabaliukais pjaustytas bananas
1 persikas
1 stiklinė pieno
1 v.š. cukraus

Gaminimo procesas:

Visus vaisius supjaustyti gabaliukais. Sudėti visus produktus kartu ir gerai išplakti ir iškart skanauti. Pagal skonį galima dėti daugiau cukraus.

Sunny cocktail for the sunny day, which seems like is going to end with some rain.
And last night I was not able to get good night sleep as there was fire emergency in the building. About 2 am the fire alarm went on and we had to jump out of beds and evacuate the building (easy to say when you have to run down the stairs from the 19th floor ..), although it turned out that there was no real threat so we were able do return home soon.

Servings: 2


0.25 large papaya
1 frozen ​​banana sliced
1 peach
1 cup milk
1 tbsp sugar


Cut all the fruit into pieces. Put all the products together and process well until smooth and enjoy immediately. If desired add more sugar.


  1. Pity that you had such a terrible night!

  2. Hi Medeja:)
    It's so nice to visit your yummy looking blog and have this Smoothie here to greet me. It's such a pretty color and I'm sure it taste delicious too:)

    I'm so sorry to hear about your awful scary night. Thank goodness all was well. Thank you so much for sharing your refreshing drink, Medeja...

    1. Thank you, Louise! It's really nice that you have visited and like the smoothie!

  3. Your smoothie looks very tasty, Medeja. Hope you can get some good sleep tonight.

  4. That's a whole lot of stairs to have to go down. Hope you are able to catch up on sleep soon. Love the combination of fruits in this smoothie. Papaya and peaches are two of my favorites!

    1. Yeah.. I had a bit of exercise at night.. :D
      I think this smoothie was pretty good combination of flavors, just delicious.

  5. Se ve muy rica la mezcla me encanta la papaya aquí son diferentes tomaré dos vasos de inmediato,abrazos

    1. Thanks, Rosita. Don't tell anyone, but I finished both glasses myself :)

  6. I have never purchased a papaya; it's own of those fruits I don't know enough about, and afraid I won't buy one that's ripe then I won't like it! Your smoothie looks fab!!

    1. Thanks, Christina. Papaya tastes a bit strange for me..that's why I used it in a smoothie were I was able to blend the flavors :)

  7. I've never tried papaya at home. You're right a smoothie is a great way to start. Glad all is well.


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