Graikiški Citrininiai Sausainiai/ Greek Lemon Shortbread Biscuits

Pagal žurnalą/ Source magazine Recipes+

Yra posakis, kad jei gyvenimas duoda citrinų, reikia pasigaminti limonado.. Kai mano šaldytuve buvo daug daug citrinų aš limonado negaminau, bet iškepiau sausainių. Gal kai vasara įsibėgės pirmenybę pradėsiu teikti limonadui, bet kol kas man labai puikiai tinka sausainiai. Be to šie citrininiai sausainiai tokie, kad labai sunku sustoti juos valgyti..

Vienetai: 34


250 gr. sviesto, kambario temperatūros
0,5 stiklinės smulkaus cukraus
1 v.š. tarkuotos citrinos žievelės
1 v.š. citrinos sulčių
1 kiaušinis kambario temperatūros
2,5 stiklinės miltų
0,5 stiklinės maltų migdolų
2 stiklinės cukraus pudros

Gaminimo procesas:

Orkaitę įkaitinti iki 150C. Iškloti 2 kepimo skardas kepimo popieriumi.

Elektriniu plaktuvu išplakti sviestą, cukrų, citrinos žievelę ir sultis iki kreminės šviesios masės. Įmušti kiaušinį ir išplakti. Dalimis maišant sudėti maltus migdolus ir miltus. Pabaigti minkyti tešlą rankomis.

Iš maždaug v.š. tešlos tarp delnų išsukti 'virveles' ir sulenkus pasagos formą dėti ant kepimo popieriaus paliekant apie 3 cm tarpus. Kepti apie 30-35 minutes arba kol sausainiai bus auksiniai gelsvos spalvos.

Išėmus iš orkaitės palikti pravėsti 5 minutes skardoje. Pusę cukraus pudros užsijoti kepimo popieriaus lakšto, sudėti ant jo šiltus sausainius ir ant viršaus užsijoti likusią cukraus pudrą. Atvėsinti.

There is a saying that if life gives you lemons, make lemonade.. When I had many many lemons in my refrigerator I did not make lemonade, but baked lemon cookies instead. Maybe when the summer starts I will really need lemonade, but so far I'm very happy with cookies. Besides, these lemon cookies are so addictive that it is very difficult to stop eating them..

Makes: 34


250 gr. butter, at room temperature
0.5 cups caster sugar
1 tbsp grated lemon zest
1 tbsp lemon juice
1 egg, at room temperature
2.5 cups flour
0.5 cup almond meal
2 cups powdered sugar


Preheat the oven to 150C. Line 2 baking trays with baking paper.

With an electric mixer beat the butter, sugar, lemon zest and juice until creamy fluffy. Beat in the egg and mix. Gradually add almond meal and flour beating until combined. Finish kneading the dough using hands.

Take about tablespoon of dough and roll logs between your hands, then shape it into crescents and place on baking trays about 3 cm apart. Bake for about 30-35 minutes or until biscuits are golden yellow in color.

Take out of the oven and leave in the form for 5 minutes to cool. Sift half of the icing sugar on the baking paper sheet, place warm biscuits and sift the remaining powdered sugar on top. Cool.


  1. I wouldn't stop eating them either. Love these melt-in-mouth cookies.

  2. Hi Medeja , love shortbread cookies and these is yummy , thanks for sharings :)

  3. Your cookies look so yummy! I bet they would be delicious with a cup of tea or coffee :)

    1. They really were.. with coffee you don't even notice how many of them you had :D

  4. Such lovely lemon crescents! It's time to start collecting holiday cookie recipes...and these would be a terrific addition!

  5. One of my favorite cookies. Never had them with lemon, but I bet it takes them over the top yum!

  6. It looks so cute! Perfect way of saying goodbye to fall and hello to winter! :)

  7. These cookies look marvelous! Love the flavor of lemon.

  8. I love lemon cookies, Medeja just as much as I love lemonade! either is just fine with me. Your cookies make me want grab one right now!

    Thank you so much for sharing...

  9. Hi Medeja,

    Your melty cookies look great. They remind me that Christmas is near :D


  10. I totally love shortbread. These are sooo cute!!


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