Arbatos Pyragas/ Tea Cake

Pagal/ Source TinasCookings

Kartais pritrūksta laiko, kartais jėgų ar sugebėjimų. Todėl man patinka tokie pyragai, kai užtenka viską sudėt ir išmaišyt. Toks ir šio arbatos pyrago receptas. Greitas ir geras užkandis prie puodelio arbatos. 


300 gr. miltų
350 ml arbatos (aš naudojau paprastą juodą)
200 gr. razinų
200 gr. cukraus
50 ml aliejaus
3 v.š. kakavos
2 a.š. kepimo miltelių
1 kiaušinis
1 apelsino žievelė ir sultys
1 a.š. cinamono

Gaminimo procesas:

Orkaitę įkaitinti iki 180C. Ištepti riebalais 23 cm kepimo formą. Razinas užpilti karšta arbata ir padėti į šalį.

Persijoti kartu miltus, cinamoną, kakavos miltelius ir kepimo miltelius, įmaišyti cukrų. Supilti razinas su arbata, suplaktą kiaušinį, aliejų, apelsino žievelę ir sultis ir viską gerai išmaišyti.

Kepti apie 45 minutes.

Sometimes there is not enough time, sometimes you don't feel like doing much or don't have enough skills. So I love such cakes where you just have to throw all ingredients together and mix. This tea cake is exactly like that. Fast and good snack with a cup of tea.


300 gr. flour
350 ml brewed tea (I used just black)
200 gr. raisins
200 gr. sugar
50 ml oil
3 tbsp cocoa
2 tsp baking powder
1 egg
1 orange zested and juiced
1 tsp cinnamon


Preheat the oven to 180C. Grease 23 cm baking form. Pour the hot tea over the raisins and set aside.

Sift together the flour, cinnamon, cocoa powder and baking powder, mix in sugar. Add tea with raisins, lightly beaten egg, oil, orange zest and juice and mix everything well.

Bake for about 45 minutes.


  1. This tea cake looks amazing!! I am totally into quick and easy desserts (as seen by ALL of my mug cakes :p)

  2. Dear Medeja, Such a delicious cake to enjoy with a cup of tea. xo Catherine

  3. I have never made any cakes with tea and why not if with coffee tastes good!

  4. Tokius pyragus "makalai makalai vualia" man labiausiai patinka kepti :)

  5. What an interesting recipe and no doubt, delicious. It looks amazing. Hard to believe it's so easy!

  6. A tea cake made with tea, now that's an interesting concept, lol...just lovely, Medeja...

  7. I would love a slice for my tea now. It looks amazing!

  8. It looks amazing. It must be tasty :)

  9. Medeja, your tea cake looks delicious! I've never had one like that so thanks for the recipe!

  10. I love an easy to make sweet treat. Your tea cake sounds wonderful!

  11. Atrodo super, tik kad aš nelabai mėgstu pyragų su daug razinų. Man riektų kiekį sumažinti per pus minimum :D


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