Keptuvėje Kepta Lašiša su Avokado Krapų Padažu/ Seared Salmon with Dill Avocado Sauce

Pagal/ Source ClosetCooking

Senokai negaminau nieko su lašiša, todėl buvau jos pasiilgus. Avokadų sezonas ir jie gana nebrangūs, todėl kaip tik pasitaikė proga išbandyti šį receptą su avokadų padažu. Pats padažas manau puikiai tiktų ne tik su lašiša, bet ir su keptomis daržovėmis. Be to, pasigaminti tokius pietus neužtruks ilgiau nei 15-20 minučių.

Porcijos: 2

Avokadų padažui:

1 avokadas, vidutinio dydžio
0,25 stiklinės citrinos sulčių
Druskos pagal skonį
1 v.š. krapų, kapotų


1 v.š. aliejaus
2 vnt lašišos file
Druskos ir pipirų pagal skonį

Gaminimo procesas:

Avokado padažui: Į virtuvinį kombainą sudėti avokadą, citrinos sultis ir druską ir sutrinti iki vientisos masės. Jei padažas pertirštas galima įpilti šiek tiek vandens. Galiausiai įmaišyti krapus.

Lašišai: Lašišą pabarstyti druska ir pipirais. Keptuvėje ant vidutinės ugnies įkaitinti aliejų, sudėti lašišą (oda žemyn) ir kepti kol oda bus traški, apie 5 minutes. Apversti it pakepti dar apie 2 minutes.

Pateikti lašišą su avokadų padažu ir mėgstamu garnyru.

It's been a long time ago since I made salmon, so I already missed it. It is avocado season and they are fairly priced, so had the chance to try this salmon recipe with avocado sauce. I think the sauce itself would perfectly taste not only with salmon, but also with grilled vegetables. Besides,  who wouldn't like such delicious dinner that takes only 15-20 minutes to prepare.

Servings: 2

For the Avocado Sauce:

1 avocado, medium size
0.25 cup lemon juice
Salt to taste
1 tbsp dill, chopped

For Salmon:

1 tbsp oil
2 salmon fillets
Salt and pepper to taste


For the Avocado sauce: In a blender add avocado, lemon juice and salt and process until smooth. If the sauce is too thick add some water. Finally, add dill and mix.

For the Salmon: Season salmon with salt and pepper. Heat the oil on medium heat, add salmon to the frying pan (skin down) and fry until the skin is crispy, about 5 minutes. Then flip and fry for about 2 minutes.

Serve salmon with avocado sauce and your favorite sides.


  1. This is a nutrients balanced and delicious meal, Medeja. Salmon is for sure my favourite fish and avocado sauce is something I can eat every day and still can't get enough of it.

  2. This sure is one healthy meal and I love salmon!

  3. I`m seeing a lot of salmon recipes in the blogosphere lately, and it`s making me want to try my hand at salmon! This looks so good!!

  4. Salmon is one of my favorites so I'm always happy to see new recipes for it. Yours sounds delicious, Medeja, and I want to try that good sauce. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Hi Medeja,

    I love salmon and like the way you cooked and enjoyed it :D


  6. Salmon is my favorite fish to cook and I love that you paired it with an avocado sauce!

  7. Salmon is my favorite fish to cook and I love that you paired it with an avocado sauce!


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