Jogurtinis sūrelis su medumi, imbieru ir graikiškais riešutais/ Yogurt Cream Cheese with Honey, Ginger and Walnuts

Penktadienis turi būti džiugi ir 'skani' diena. Todėl smagu vakare įsipiklti taurę vyno ir pasižiūrėti filmą lovoje. Ir sugalvojau pasidaryti lengvą ir skanų užkandį, kuris tiktų prie vyno. Medus, imbieras ir graikiški riešutai yra tikrai skanus derinys.. ypač sumaišyti su jogurtiniu sūreliu.


100 gr. jogurtinio sūrelio
1 a.š. medaus
4 graikiškų riešutų branduoliai
0,5 a.š. tarkuoto imbiero

Gaminimo procesas:

Riešutus susmulkinti. Visus produktus sumaišyti kartu ir skanauti.

Friday should be happy and 'tasty' day. It is so nice to have a glass of wine and watch a movie in bed. And I thought that I should make myself an easy and delicious snack, which wine. Honey, ginger and walnuts are really good combination .. especially with soft yogurt cream cheese.


100 gr. yogurt cheese
1 tsp honey
4 walnuts
0,5 tsp grated ginger


Chop walnut into small pieces. Mix all products together and enjoy.


  1. What a gorgeous looking snack...perfect for your tasty Friday! :)

  2. This is perfect for me in this unbearable heat. I don't want to cook or eat anything at the moment!! I tried your Indian spiced hummus for dinner last night. It was gorgeous and you're right it is addictive!!

  3. This is a great combination of flavors. A fantastic snack for watching a movie!

  4. foodblogandthedog, I'm so glad that you liked spiced hummus.. :)

  5. Lisa, it definitely is good combination, tasted good together :)

  6. Medeja, I think that this would be lovely for breakfast on a muffin or bagel;) Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  7. Oh my goodness, yes, what a wonderful combination of flavours. The walnuts, honey and ginger sound so great together!

  8. Becky, that's a good idea to have it with muffin or bagel!

  9. Carolyn, yes all these things taste so good together !

  10. OH that is a really really delicious combo of ingredients ... I love it!

  11. Mmmmmm...what a simple and sweet treat! Hope you've had a wonderful weekend :)

  12. O ką tu laikai jogurtiniu sūreliu? Tą kefyrinę varškę sušaldytą ar kaip? Ar philadelfia kokį? Ar graikišką jogurtą? :)


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