Kadangi nusipirkau pusę kilogramo pistacijų ir tik nedidelę dalį panaudojau šokoladiniams triufeliams, galvojau ką dar galima padaryti. Taip ir atsirado šie žalsvi, minkšti ir labai skanūs keksiukai su pistacijomis.
Prisipažinsiu, kad vieną keksiuką suvalgiau ką tik iškepusį, net neatvėsinusi kadangi labai sugundė švelnus riešutų aromatas.
Vienetai: 12
1.5 stiklinės miltų
150 gr. pistacijų
120 gr. sviesto
2 kiaušiniai
3/4 stiklinės pieno
0,5 a.š. kardamono
0,5 stiklinės cukraus
0,5 stiklinės rudojo cukraus
1,5 a.š. kepimo miltelių
Gaminimo procesas:
Pistacijas susmulktinti (aš dalį palikau šiek tiek stambesnių gabaliukų), sumaišyti su miltais, kepimo milteliais ir kardamonu.
Sviestą istirpinti, į jį įmaišyti cukrų, supilti pieną ir gerai išmaišyti. Nuolat maišant po viena gerai įmušti kiaušinius.
Supilti skystą masę į miltų masę ir išmaišyti, padalinti į kepimo formeles.
Kepti iki 200C įkaitintoje orkaitėje apie 20 minučių arba kol patikrinus mediniu iešmeliu jis nebebus aplipęs tešla. Atvėsinti ant grotelių.
Aš atvėsusius keksiukus dar apliejau glaistu iš cukraus pudros sumaišytos su citrinos sultimis ir pabarsčiau kapotomis pistacijomis.
Since I bought a half kilo of pistachios and only used a small part of it for chocolate truffles, I was thinking what else can I make with them. This is how these greenish, soft and very tasty muffins with pistachios were born.
Ok, I admit that I ate one muffin straight from the oven while still warm that aroma of pistachios was just too tempting.
Makes: 12 muffins
1.5 cup flour
150 gr. pistachios
120 gr. butter
2 eggs
3/4 cup milk
0.5 tsp cardamom powder
0.5 cup sugar
0.5 cup brown sugar
1.5 tsp baking powder
Process pistachios(I left some bigger pieces), mix pistachio flour together with the flour, baking powder and cardamom powder.
Melt the butter, the add sugars, mix well; then add milk and mix well again. One by one beat in the eggs, beating well after each.
Pour the wet mixture into the flour mixture and mix until they are incorporated, divide the it between baking cups.
Bake in a preheated to 200C oven for about 20 minutes or until wooden skewer inserted comes our clean. Take out and cool on the wire rack.
When the muffins cooled completely I have poured on the icing that I made from icing sugar mixed with some lemon juice and then sprinkled chopped pistachios on the top.
I think muffins should be eaten warm. I don´t make them much because they start drying out very quickly in my opinion. But they look great Medeja, pistachios are such wonderful nuts!
AtsakytiPanaikintiSome of them really should be eaten only warm, some still taste good later. I liked these muffins as they are somewhere in the middle, not too dry or moist :)
PanaikintiO pistacijos sūdytos? Atrodo tai labai labai skaniai :)
AtsakytiPanaikintiAciu, Vilma. Pistacijas pirkau jau lukstentas ir nesudytas.
PanaikintiOi, koks gražuolis :) Ir kokia išpažintis... Maniškė greičiau skambėtų taip: Prisipažinsiu, leidau vienam keksiukui atvėsti... o kitus suvalgiau iš karto :D Sutinku su Paula, muffins should be eaten warm :) And only warm :D
AtsakytiPanaikintijei nebuciau puosus tikriausiai ir as nelaukciau kol atves :) aisku nepuosti ir skanus ir taip skaniai svelniai kvepia pistacijomis..uzsisvajojau net :D
PanaikintiDont you just love this light green color of pistachios, it's so pretty. Desserts with it look so beautiful all the time. I must say that pistachio is my favorite nut. Your muffins looks so irresistible, very tempting-))) Thank you!
AtsakytiPanaikintiYes, this is one of the nice things about it- that green color that pistachios give:)
PanaikintiVery interesting receipe. I have to try it.
AtsakytiPanaikintiI hope you would like them.
PanaikintiThanks for providing the English translation. The icing topped with pistachios looks lick worthy. :-)
AtsakytiPanaikintiThanks :) Even without icing they also taste great.
Panaikintioooooh I am loving the look of these muffins :D
Choc Chip Uru
I thnk I like the taste even more than looks :)
PanaikintiSmagūs keksiukai :) ir pagrindinis puošybos akcentas puikus likutis iš kito recepto :)
AtsakytiPanaikintiSkanus ir nepuosti :)
PanaikintiHaha, I do that too! It's too hard to resist eating muffins right out the oven. These look great, I LOVE pistachios!
AtsakytiPanaikintiWell it's always a good idea to try things before serving :D
PanaikintiI am seeing pistachios on blogs everywhere, and I think that means I have to bake with them too. :) I've never had them properly, as a little kid I was afraid of green food because I didn't like vegetables. These look good! And I love those pretty little paper cups.
AtsakytiPanaikintiThanks, Shirley. You should really try something with pistachios, they are great both for sweet and savory recipes.
AtsakytiPanaikintiI love making muffins and make them all the time, but I have never used pistachios in them. I will for sure have to give that a try.