Pagal/ Source SkaniosMintys
300 gr. miltų
200 gr. sviesto, kambario temperatūros
200 gr. cukraus
4 dideli kiaušiniai
200 gr. razinų (nuplautų ir nusausintų)
1 a.š. sodos
1 a.š. vanilės ekstrakto
Gaminimo procesas:
300 gr. flour
200 gr. butter, room temperature
200 gr. sugar
4 large eggs
200 gr. raisins (washed and drained)
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp vanilla extract
Paprastas keksas su razinomis vaikystėje man buvo pats skaniausias, nereikėjo nei tortų, nei šokoladų. Šalto pieno stiklinė ir riekė kekso.. štai kas buvo laimė.
Ir būtent tokio kekso niekad nebuvau išsikepusi, kai perskaičiau, kad pagal šį receptą būtent toks keksas ir gaunasi iškart į pirkinių sąrašą įsirašiau razinas, nes tik jų ir trūko.
O štai dar vienas Keksas.
Ne mažiau, o tiksliau dar labiau mylimas Keksas. Kažkaip nereikėjo, net rinkti jam specialiai vardo, jis buvo toks mažiukas ir saldus, kad vardas Keksas pats savaime jam prilipo.
Tik labai gaila, kad jis dabar toli ir negalėjau jo pasiimti su savim :(Produktai:
300 gr. miltų
200 gr. sviesto, kambario temperatūros
200 gr. cukraus
4 dideli kiaušiniai
200 gr. razinų (nuplautų ir nusausintų)
1 a.š. sodos
1 a.š. vanilės ekstrakto
Gaminimo procesas:
Miltus persijoti su soda ir sumaišyti su cukrum. Sviestą išplakti elektriniu plaktuvu iki šviesios purios masės. Po vieną įmušti kiaušinius. Sudėti vanilės ekstraktą ir gerai išplakti.
Tuomet dalimis nuolat maišant berti miltų mišinį, gerai išmaišyti iki vientisos masės. Jei tešla per kieta galima įpilti šiek tiek pieno. Kad razinos nenusėstų ant dugno sumaišyti jas su šaukštu miltų ir tuomet įmaišyti į tešlą.
Tešlą sudėti į sviestu išteptą ir pabarstytą miltais arba kepimo popieriumi išklotą kepimo formą ir kepti 180 laipsnių orkaitėje apie 1 – 1,5 valandos arba kol patikrinus mediniu iešmeliu jis nebeapkibs tešla. Keksą atvėsinti kepimo formoje, prieš pjaustant apibarstyti cukraus pudra.
Plain pound cake with raisins was my favorite treat when I was a kid, I did not need cake or chocolate. A cold glass of milk and a piece of raisin pound cake.. that's what made me happy.
And surprisingly I have never tried to bake raisin pound cake myself before! When I read that this recipe is for that kind of pound cake I put the raisins on my shopping list immediately as it was the only thing I didn't have at home to make it right away.
And surprisingly I have never tried to bake raisin pound cake myself before! When I read that this recipe is for that kind of pound cake I put the raisins on my shopping list immediately as it was the only thing I didn't have at home to make it right away.
And you can see a picture of another Pound cake (yes, that is a name of my cat).
He is even more favorite pound cake. When I found him he was so little and sweet that the name just came itself- Pound Cake (doesn't sound that nice in English though:) !
It still upsets me a lot that when I moved to Australia I couldn't bring him with me and he is so far away : (
He is even more favorite pound cake. When I found him he was so little and sweet that the name just came itself- Pound Cake (doesn't sound that nice in English though:) !
It still upsets me a lot that when I moved to Australia I couldn't bring him with me and he is so far away : (
300 gr. flour
200 gr. butter, room temperature
200 gr. sugar
4 large eggs
200 gr. raisins (washed and drained)
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp vanilla extract
Sift flour and baking soda then mix in sugar. Beat butter with an electric mixer until light and fluffy. One by one beat in the eggs beating after each. Add vanilla extract and beat well.
Gradually add the dry mixture mixing after each addition. If the dough is too hard you can add a little bit of milk. To prevent raisins sinking on the bottom mix them with a spoon of flour first and then mix it with the dough.
Transfer the dough into greased and sprinkled with flour or lined with baking paper baking form. Bake in preheated to 180 degrees oven for about 1 - 1.5 hours, or until a wooden skewer inserted comes out clean. Cool it in the baking form and dust with powdered sugar before cutting.
Tavo abu keksai labai verti demesio! ;)
AtsakytiPanaikintiAčiū :D man abu labai patinka.
PanaikintiMy sister has a cat and although I find her cat (crazy) she can't stay away from her Ramona (that's the cat's name), so I understand how bad you must be feeling being so far.
AtsakytiPanaikintiI love pound cakes with raisins, and yours looks very lovely Madeja. I usually take a slice and toast it, it tastes amazing with cold glass of milk :)
I was also thinking to toast it :) but finished it before had a chance to do it :D
PanaikintiWe would love cakes made with raisins too. Yours looks lovely and I bet it tastes even better, Medeja. Your kitty looks so adorable. How old is he?
AtsakytiPanaikintiThanks, Angie :) My boy is already 11 years old.. 7 years lived with me, now with my mom.
PanaikintiAbu keksai labai gražūs! Net suabejočiau, kurio noriu labiau :))
AtsakytiPanaikintiAš to juodčkio labai pasiilgstu :)
PanaikintiYour kitty is adorable and I love the name Pound Cake. You must miss him dearly!
AtsakytiPanaikintiI love a nice simple pound cake and raisins sound like a very nice addition.
I really miss my kitty..we were very close :)
PanaikintiThis sounds great, lovely to have with a nice cup of tea.
AtsakytiPanaikintiIt really is :)
PanaikintiLove that this is a hearty dessert option! Heck, it might even be a breakfast option ;)
AtsakytiPanaikintiI think it is good with cup of coffee or team anytime :D
PanaikintiWow it has been so long since I visited, I apologise! But I am glad to be back, and am loving this delicious pound cake :D
AtsakytiPanaikintiAnd gorgeous kitten!
Choc Chip Uru
Thanks, CCU :) Nice to see you again :D
PanaikintiI adore pound cake...and adding fruit makes it even better!
AtsakytiPanaikintiSometimes I really like simple pound cake with just raisins :)
PanaikintiThis looks delicious and incredibly moist Medeja!!
AtsakytiPanaikintiThanks :) it is very delicious!
PanaikintiA muffin in a pan - that's genius!!
AtsakytiPanaikintiMe gustan los cake con pasas uvas y tu gata me recuerda a la mía,abrazos y buena semana
AtsakytiPanaikintiOh I love that photo of your kitty! I bet you miss your pound cake!
AtsakytiPanaikintiYum! I have totally been on a pound cake baking craze lately too.