Trupininis Pyragas su Uogiene/ Crumb Cake with Jam

Pagal/ Source N'oubliezJamais

Trupininį pyragą su uogiene galima laikyti klasika.. Ir keista, kad niekad tos klasikos nebuvau bandžiusi kepti.
Kadangi neturėjau kitokios uogienės naudojau aviečių uogienę, todėl man buvo šiek tiek persaldu, kitą kartą naudočiau rūgštesnę.


1 kiaušinis
420 gr miltų
220 gr šalto sviesto, pjaustyto smulkiais gabaliukais
Žiupsnelis druskos
200 gr cukraus
1 a. š. kepimo miltelių
500 ml uogienės (naudojau aviečių)

Gaminimo procesas:

Orkaitę įkaitinti iki 190C. 20x30 cm kepimo formą iškloti kepimo popieriumi.

Dideliame dubenyje sumaišyti miltus, cukrų, kepimo miltelius ir druską. Sudėti sviestą ir įmušti kiaušinį. Rankomis minkyti, kol gausis trupiniai.

Apie 2/3 trupinių sudėti į kepimo formą, gerai įspausti į formos dugną. Ant viršaus paskleisti uogienę. Likusius trupinius užberti ant uogienės tolygiu sluoksniu. Kepti apie 45 minutes.

Crumb cake with jam can be considered classic cake.. And it is strange that I have never actually tried it before. 
Since I did not have any other jam I used raspberry jam and I found it too sweet for me, next time I would use some more sour jam. 


1 egg
420 gr flour
220 gr cold butter, cut into small pieces
Pinch of salt
200 gr sugar
1 tsp baking powder
500ml jam ( I used raspberry)


Preheat the oven to 190C. Line 20x30 cm baking form with baking paper.

In a large bowl, mix the flour, sugar, baking powder and salt. Add the butter and beat in the egg. Knead using hand, until you get crumbs.

About 2/3 of the crumbs press into the bottom of the baking form. Spread the jam on top. Spread evenly the remaining crumbs on the jam layer. Bake for about 45 minutes.


  1. Anything with streusel, I am sold! These crumb bars look scrumptious.

  2. It looks Yummy, I love cakes and scones filled with jam :)

  3. This is something I've been craving for a long long time. Boy, this looks so good. Wish I can have some right now. >o<
    Have a great day dear.
    Blessings, Kristy

  4. These look good. Perfect with a cup of hot tea!

  5. More sour cranberry jam? :p
    I absolutely LOVE crumb cake! This looks so good :)

    1. Blueberry or mixed berry would have been perfect.. but then I guess I would have finished more of them :D

  6. What a coincidence! Intend to post the same dessert this week, looks so yum..

  7. This is the perfect snack cake with a cup of tea. Looks wonderful!

  8. Looks beautiful and that layer of jam in the middle looks so good!

  9. Looks beautiful and that layer of jam in the middle looks so good!

  10. Oh, these look so delicious, Medeja! I wish I was a good baker but everything I try seems to turn out to be a disaster, lol. I think I need more patience. I need to be your neighbour!


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